If your target market or your future target market is an international one, a domain name ending in ‘.com’ should be your first choice.
If your target market or your future target market is an international one, a domain name ending in ‘.com’ should be your first choice.
Unfortunately, a ‘.com’ domain name is difficult to find these days. There are now over 24 million ‘.com’ names registered so the chances of finding the name you want will be difficult.
Other international alternatives to a domain ending in ‘.com’ is a domain name ending in ‘.net’ or ‘.biz’. These domain names are not as good as a domain name ending in ‘.com’ but can be used successfully with careful marketing and branding.
If your target market is local or predominately local then a domain name ending in ‘.co.nz’ should be your first choice. If your target audience know you as a New Zealand company they will expect you to have a ‘.co.nz’ domain.
If your target market is a combination of both international and New Zealand users you should consider using both.
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